开源儿童绘画工具 Tux Paint v0.9.32 中文绿色版【绿色软件】


Tux Paint 是一个免费的、屡获殊荣的绘图程序,适用于 3 至 12 岁的儿童(例如,学前班和 K-6 岁)。 Tux Paint 在世界各地的学校中用作计算机素养绘图活动。 它结合了易于使用的界面、有趣的音效和一个鼓励孩子们使用程序的卡通吉祥物。


图片[1]-开源儿童绘画工具 Tux Paint v0.9.32 中文绿色版【绿色软件】-晓白博客网

图片[2]-开源儿童绘画工具 Tux Paint v0.9.32 中文绿色版【绿色软件】-晓白博客网




尽管如此,Magic 部分势必会吸引所有用户使用 Tux Paint,无论其年龄大小。您可以在绘画中添加花梗、镂空、五彩纸屑、泡沫、草、雨、马赛克、彩虹、万花筒、雪花、龙卷风等等。


由于这个应用程序应该主要由年轻人使用,因此设置窗口对他们不可用是有意义的。这就是为什么 Tux Paint 带有一个完全独立的配置工具,您可以在其中调整主窗口的大小、启用全屏以及禁用键盘快捷键或退出按钮。


您不仅可以停用打印和保存图片选项,还可以使用操纵杆来操作 Tux Paint。

简而言之,尽管 Tux Paint 是作为儿童应用程序销售的,但无论您的年龄大小都可以使用它,而且您一定会获得很多乐趣,同时还能生成令人印象深刻的图纸和设计。

Tux Paint 适用于 macOS(10.10 Yosemite 及更高版本)、Windows(Windows 7 到 Windows 11)、Linux、Android 和其他系统。 还提供非官方的 Apple iOS (iPhone/iPad) 版本。


2024.January.29 (0.9.32)
* Improvements to Magic tools:
* Magic tool plugin API updates
+ Support for complexity levels in Magic tools via the plugin API.
(Closes https://sourceforge.net/p/tuxpaint/feature-requests/247/)
- Complexity/expertise level may be set via configuration,
`--complexity`; values may be "advanced" (default), "beginner",
or "novice".
- Plugins' "init()" functions are sent a new `complexity_level`
+ Magic tools can provide a value that allows them to be
sorted and grouped together (rather than always relying on the
localized name of the tool).
- WIP Updated many magic tools to take advantage of this.
+ Note: `TP_MAGIC_API_VERSION` bumped to 0x00000009.
Bill Kendrick

* "Clone" tool does not operate when Tux Paint is in "novice"
complexity mode.
Bill Kendrick

* New Magic Tools:
* Tools to draw with various kinds of graphical projections
(all placed within a new tool group):
+ Point-projection persepctive:
- 1-point Perspective ("1-Point Select" & "1-Point Draw")
Choose a vanishing point, and then draw lines that always
point towards it, or are vertical or horizontal.
- 2-point Perspective ("2-Point Select" & "2-Point Draw")
Choose two vanishing points, and then draw lines that always
point towards them, along the horizon defined by them,
or perpendicular to that horizon.
- 3-point Perspective ("3-Point Select" & "3-Point Draw")
Choose three vanishing points, and then draw lines that always
point towards them, or along the horizon defined by the first two.
+ Orthographic (orthogonal) projection:
- Isometric ("Isometric Lines")
Lines only go at evenly-spaced (120 degrees) angles (vertically
and diagonally).
- Dimetric ("Dimetric Select" & "Dimetric Draw")
Choose a single angle for both diagonals directions; lines may
only go diagonally at those angles, or vertically.
- Dimetric ("Trimetric Select" & "Trimetric Draw")
Choose an angle for two diagonals directions; lines may
only go diagonally at those angles, or vertically.
- Oblique ("Oblique Select" & "Oblique Draw")
Choose an angle for a single diagonal direction; lines may
only go diagonally at that one angle, vertically, or
+ None of these tools are available when in "novice" complexity mode
(see above).
+ "Select" tools (to edit vanishing points or angles) are not offered
when in "beginner" complexity mode. However, in "beginner" mode:
- Two "3-Point Draw" tools are provided, offering both 'upwards'
and 'downwards' perspectives.
- Two "Oblqiue Draw" tools are provided, offering recedings axes
to both the right and the left.
+ Code: Bill Kendrick
(with help from Pere Pujal i Carabantes )
+ Sounds:
- Select: "Gummibandloop_121.wav"
Creative Commons 0 by von_Gardener
- Click: "Rubber Band"
Creative Commons 0 by IndigoRay
- Release: "Elastic band c note"
Creative Commons 0 by mudflea2

* Epitrochoid and Hypotrochoid magic tools:
+ Tools to draw centered trochoids; to create art similar to a
Spirograph or Wondergraph. Drag left/right to adjust the
radius of the stator (fixed circle). Drag up/down to adjust
radius of the rotator (the rolling circle). Size option
adjusts the position of the virtual pen within (or outside)
the rotator.
- If "--nomagicsizes" is set, three versions each of
epitrochoid and hypotrochoid drawing tools will be made
available, each with differing pen positions (inside, edge,
and outside).
+ Code: Bill Kendrick
(with help from Pere Pujal i Carabantes )
+ Sounds:
- Drag: "Running Gear", CC0 1.0 Universal
by Vurca (https://freesound.org/people/Vurca/)
- Epitrochoid draw "celtic_harp_c3.wav" &
Hypotrochoid draw "celtic_harp_c2.wav",
both CC0 1.0 Universal from "Celtic Harp Samples" collection
by Daphne Farazi (https://soundcloud.com/daphnefarazi)
+ Closes https://sourceforge.net/p/tuxpaint/feature-requests/248/

* Improvements to "Text" & "Label" tools:
* The name and size of the chosen font is shown in the instructions
at the bottom.
Bill Kendrick

* Other Improvements:
* Makefile builds everything with "-O2" now, and adds "-ffast-math"
Bill Kendrick

* Simplify macOS building by signing macOS app bundle anonymously by
Mark Kim

* Windows build outputs Windows version (e.g., 11, 10, 8.1, etc.)
and architecture (captured in `stdout.txt`).
TOYAMA Shin-ichi

* Bug Fixes:
* Corrected bug in how scroll-down arrow appeared in Stamps selector
when stamp controls were disabled.
Bill Kendrick

* Avoid potential crash when choosing rainbow palette Color Picker (HSV)
from "New" dialog.
Bill Kendrick

* Ensuring mouse pointer shape changes to hand when hovering over
control buttons below the scroll-down arrow in the selector area
(e.g., stamp controls, text styles, etc.)
Bill Kendrick

* Force log files on Windows (stderr.txt, stdout.txt) to go under
TOYAMA Shin-ichi

* Avoid crash in some Magic tools if image data cannot be loaded.
(Foam, Fretwork, Rails)
Bill Kendrick

* Localization Updates:
* Albanian translation
Besnik Bleta

* Albanian documentation (partial; NEW!)
Besnik Bleta

* Bulgarian translation
Note: Does an overhaul of most of the translations to replace more
polite, plural verb forms, with singular, spoken forms.

* French translation
Jacques Chion

* French documentation
Jacques Chion

* Japanese translation
TOYAMA Shin-ichi

* Japanese documentation
TOYAMA Shin-ichi

* Portuguese (Portugal) translation
Hugo Carvalho

* Starter and Template Improvements
* Adjustments to avoid smearing/etc.
+ Nagasaki
+ Flower Frame (also arrange a leaf)
+ USA Map
Pere Pujal i Carabantes

* Documentation updates:
* MAGIC API documentation glossary will now appear sorted
alphabetically based on the localized versions of terms.
(Reworked how that section of the document is constructed, over in
`tuxpaint-docs` repository.)
Bill Kendrick

* Ports & Building:
* Don't pollute documentation folder ($DOC_PREFIX) with build scripts.
Bill Kendrick


开源儿童绘画工具 Tux Paint v0.9.32 中文绿色版【绿色软件】-晓白博客网
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